The Reality of a Moment
The physical reality of a moment – a crisp apple, a fresh morning, or bicycling to Brooklyn – can turn us inside out, revealing the essence of who we once were, who we are, and who we seek to be. more…
Perseverance: Cultivating an Interior Life
Perseverance is steadfast determination. As we advance our knowledge in all areas of medicine and technology, our thoughts become increasingly focused on living better lives, as we are able. Jung said that, after the age of 35, all questions become spiritual ones. However, knowledge doesn’t always equate to practice, nor does quantity of information equal quality. […] more…
The Hardest Commandment
Love, as an abstract idea, is often hard to encapsulate. To love someone else, one must “value” his or her own worth before he or she can “value” the worth of someone else. This sounds like a cliché, until we take it one step further and say, for example, “in order to say I love […] more…
God of All People
Victorian writer George Bernard Shaw once said that all great truths begin as blasphemies. One’s personal search and desire for truth is often a lone venture, challenging the status quo and longing for others who desire to see the world more clearly. Change, of any kind, is often resisted, especially when ideas have become sacrosanct, […] more…
Salt and Light
The act of pruning requires cutting back (and off) the old to make room for new growth. As it relates to an understanding of faith, this process allows one to develop an interior life and cultivate the mind. Growing requires a desire to reach fresh understandings on old topics, and discover wisdom through study, reflection, and […] more…
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” MLK Jr.
I didn’t post earlier in the week because I wasn’t quite ready to write about peace. After the marathon bombing and the ensuing manhunt, I felt like I couldn’t “authentically” comment on peace since I was struggling to find it within myself. I didn’t feel “at peace.” I felt overcome — sorrowful and tormented that […] more…
What the Deaf Can Hear and the Blind Can See
As a series of words, the “fruits of the spirit” – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, etc. are ones that we hear, and use, so frequently, that they sometimes become placeholders in prayer and conversation, and we tend to forget the depth and meaning contained within them (or at least I do). As an […] more…
Freedom through Reflection
“A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal […] more…
“Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” Emerson
“Life in all its Fullness”
“I’ve got joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart – WHERE?” After having children, I began to experience overwhelming waves of gratitude — gratitude for my life, gratitude for my children, gratitude for my marriage, and then slowly, gratitude in general (sunshine, literature, music, etc.), became the constant prayer on my lips. Through this […] more…
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